Thursday, September 2, 2010

Troubleshooting Windows ( XP, Vista, Windows7 )

Intro To Troubleshooting Windows Operating Systems


This page was created for those who are interested in learning about the basic ways to fix a Windows machine and correcting common problems like:

  • Forgetting passwords
  • Recovering deleted files
  • Accessing data when the OS (Operating System) will not boot
  • Virus Removal

Learner Description:

This course was created for computer literate students; preferably at the undergraduate and graduate level. Adults with an interest in IT are welcome to take this course.

Course Description:

This instructor-led course is 100% online lasting 7 weeks and will not require the purchasing of any books. The number of students enrolled in this course at one time should not exceed 20, large numbers of students could slow down the class and hinder the learning process. All of the reading material for the class will be found online using blogs, discussion boards, online tutorials and other resources. 2-4 hours of study time per week should be set aside in order to complete assignments. Through this course you will learn the basic steps needed to restore system functionality. The hardware requirements for the class is listed below.

  • An XP, Vista, or Windows7 computer
  • CD writer / blank CDR media / CD Burning Software
  • Flash drive, external hard drive or any device that can be connected to a computer for storage
  • Broadband internet connection

Course Objectives:

  1. Learning to protect your computer
  2. Knowing the Pros and Cons of  enabling Windows Updates
  3. Knowing which programs start when the computer boots
  4. Learning the differences between viruses and spyware
  5. Using free virus and spyware / adaware tools
  6. Why do some files need to be removed using safe mode or DOS?
  7. Howto use System Restore
  8.  Repairing (XP, Vista, Windows7) from the installation CD
  9. Discover the power of Hiren's Boot CD
  10. What is BartPE?

What platform will this course be placed on?

This course will be available on a LMS (Learning Management System) yet to be determined.

Is this a new course?

Yes, this course was designed specifically to be an online course to reach as many people as possible that wanted to learn more about computers.